
Journal articles

James G. Saulsbury, C. Tomomi Parins-Fukuchi, Connor J. Wilson, Trond Reitan, and Lee Hsiang Liow. Age-dependent extinction and the neutral theory of biodiversity. 2024, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Kjetil L. Voje, James G. Saulsbury, Jostein Starrfelt, Daniel Varajão de Latorre, Alexis Rojas, Vilde Bruhn Kinneberg, Lee Hsiang Liow, Connor J. Wilson, Erin Saupe, and Mark Grabowski. Measurement theory and paleobiology. 2023, Trends in Ecology and Evolution.

James G. Saulsbury and Tomasz K. Baumiller. Dispersals from the West Tethys as the source of the Indo-West Pacific diversity hotspot in comatulid crinoids. 2022, Paleobiology.

James G. Saulsbury and Tomasz K. Baumiller. Predation as an explanation for a latitudinal gradient in arm number among featherstars. 2020, Journal of Biogeography.

James G. Saulsbury, David K. Moss, Linda C. Ivany, Michał Kowalewski, David R. Lindberg, James F. Gillooly, Noel A. Heim, Craig R. McClain, Jonathan L. Payne, Peter D. Roopnarine, Bernd R. Schöne, David Goodwin, and Seth Finnegan. Idiographic and nomothetic approaches to heterogeneity are complementary. 2020, Paleobiology.

James G. Saulsbury and Samuel Zamora. The nervous and circulatory systems of a Cretaceous crinoid: preservation, palaeobiology and evolutionary significance. 2020, Palaeontology.

James G. Saulsbury. Crinoid respiration and the distribution of energetic strategies among marine invertebrates. 2020, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society.

James G. Saulsbury, David K. Moss, Linda C. Ivany, Michał Kowalewski, David R. Lindberg, James F. Gillooly, Noel A. Heim, Craig R. McClain, Jonathan L. Payne, Peter D. Roopnarine, Bernd R. Schöne, David Goodwin, and Seth Finnegan. Evaluating the influences of temperature, primary production, and evolutionary history on bivalve growth rates. 2019, Paleobiology.

Samuel Zamora, Marcos Aurell, Margaret Veitch, James G. Saulsbury, Mikel A. López-Horgue, Fernando A. Ferratges, José Antonio Arz, and Tomasz K. Baumiller. Environmental distribution of post-Palaeozoic crinoids from the Iberian and south-Pyrenean basins, NE Spain. 2018, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica.


C. Tomomi Parins-Fukuchi and James G. Saulsbury. Functional morphological innovation corresponds to shifting lines of genetic least resistance. bioRxiv.